ABOUT US前  言 Background
本會於1997年6月經由美國 PDA 總會(Parenteral Drug Association)授權成立;在亞洲地區是繼 PDA 日本分會後第二個分會。 其設立係經由內政部備案核可(成立文號:台內社字第8687596)所成立,為非營利目的之社會團體機構;以結合製藥業與相關工業、政府、學術界及認同本會宗旨之社會人士,共同提升製造技術及藥物品質,貢獻於社會為宗旨
TPDA was established in June of 1997, under the authorization of PDA in the USA.
The second chapter formed in Asia, after Japan.
It is registered as a non-profit seeking organization, aiming to contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical manufacturing standards combining people from the industries, administrations and academic areas.